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Campus: GRAD
Term: 2249
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SEP 6AS3 C01 - Adv. Sys. Components & Integra
SEP 6AT3 C01 - Conceptual Design Elec. Vehic.
SEP 6BI3 C01 - Bioinformatics
SEP 6BS3 C01 - Ethics And Biotech Regulations
SEP 6DA3 C01 - Data Analytics And Big Data
SEP 6DA3 C02 - Data Analytics And Big Data
SEP 6DV3 C01 - Vehicle Dynamics
SEP 6PD3 C01 - Power System Analysis Control
SEP 6PM3 C01 - Project Management
SEP 6PM3 C02 - Project Management
SEP 6SS3 C01 - System Specification & Design
SEP 6TB3 C01 - Advanced Biotechnology
SEP 6TC3 C01 - Technical Communications
SEP 701 C01 - Thry & Practice Policy Analys
SEP 704 C01 - Public Policy Research Proj. 2
SEP 705 C01 - Green Eng'g Sustain & Pub Pol
SEP 707 C01 - Fundamentals Design Virt. Care
SEP 709 C01 - Emrging Issues Tech &Pub Plcy
SEP 718 C01 - Industrial Automation
SEP 722 C01 - Electric Drive Vehicles
SEP 724 C01 - Intelligent Transportation Sys
SEP 725 C01 - Prac Projct Mangmt Bus Enviro
SEP 726 C01 - Discrete Manufacturing I
SEP 728 C01 - Intenet Of Things
SEP 729 C01 - Manufacturing Systems
SEP 731 C01 - Lean Six Sigma For Engineers
SEP 735 C01 - Additive Manufacturing
SEP 740 C01 - Deep Learning
SEP 744 C01 - Biomanufacturing
SEP 749 C01 - Biomedical Engineering
SEP 751 C01 - Process Design & Control
SEP 757 C01 - Rapid Prototyping
SEP 758 C01 - Software Design Tools Methods
SEP 760 C01 - Design Thinking
SEP 760 C02 - Design Thinking
SEP 762 C01 - Intro To Railway Engineering
SEP 764 C01 - Novel Therapeutics Drug Deliv.
SEP 765 C01 - Downstream Operations
SEP 767 C01 - Multivari Statistical Methods
SEP 769 C01 - Cyber Physical Systems
SEP 770 C01 - Total Sustainable Management
SEP 771 C01 - Wgb Practioner's Forum Part I
SEP 771 C02 - Wgb Practioner's Forum Part II
SEP 773 C01 - Leadership For Innovation
SEP 773 C02 - Leadership For Innovation
SEP 773 C03 - Leadership For Innovation
SEP 780 C01 - Advanced Robotics & Automation
SEP 785 C01 - Machine Learning
SEP 785 C02 - Machine Learning
SEP 790 C01 - Emerging Technologies
SEP 798 C01 - Electric Vehicle Batteries
SEP 799 C02 - M.Eng. Proj. Systems & Tech 2