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Campus: GRAD
Term: 2249
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ACCOUNT 600 C01 - Professional Workshops
ANTHROP 701 C01 - Rdgs: Cultural Anthropology
ANTHROP 701 C02 - Rdgs: Cultural Anthropology
ANTHROP 701 C03 - Rdgs: Cultural Anthropology
ANTHROP 701 C04 - Rdgs: Cultural Anthropology
ANTHROP 701 C05 - Rdgs: Cultural Anthropology
ANTHROP 714 C01 - Readings: In Archaelogy
ANTHROP 714 C02 - Readings: In Archaelogy
ANTHROP 714 C03 - Readings: In Archaelogy
ANTHROP 714 C04 - Readings: In Archaelogy
ANTHROP 714 C05 - Readings: In Archaelogy
ANTHROP 715 C01 - Readings: Biological Anthropol
ANTHROP 715 C02 - Readings: Biological Anthropol
ANTHROP 715 C03 - Readings: Biological Anthropol
ANTHROP 715 C04 - Readings: Biological Anthropol
ANTHROP 715 C05 - Readings: Biological Anthropol
ANTHROP 717 C01 - Rdgs Anthropology Of Health
ANTHROP 717 C02 - Rdgs Anthropology Of Health
ANTHROP 717 C03 - Rdgs Anthropology Of Health
ANTHROP 717 C04 - Rdgs Anthropology Of Health
ANTHROP 717 C05 - Rdgs Anthropology Of Health
ANTHROP 740 C01 - Biocultural Synthesis
ANTHROP 786 C01 - Global Futrs: Thry/Prac/Poss
ANTHROP 798A C01 - Professional Development Works
BIOCHEM 6E03 C01 - Gene Reg & Stem Cell Develpmt
BIOCHEM 6Q03 C01 - Biochemical Pharmacology
BIOCHEM 6S03 C01 - Intro To Molecular Biophysics
BIOCHEM 720A C01 - Scientific Communication
BIOCHEM 732 C01 - Writing For Science
BIOCHEM 735 C01 - Antimicrobial Resistance
BIOLOGY 6X03 C01 - Environmental Physiology
BIOLOGY 707 C01 - Ecological Statistics
BIOLOGY 708 C01 - Quant Methods Ecolog & Evolut
BIOLOGY 709 C01 - Spec Tops-Biology
BIOLOGY 712A C01 - Communication And Scholarship
BIOLOGY 712B C01 - Communication And Scholarship
BIOLOGY 712S C01 - Communication And Scholarship
BIOLOGY 715 C01 - Top: Evolutionary Genetics
BIOLOGY 716 C01 - Advanced Topics In Ecology
BIOLOGY 720 C01 - Intro To Basic Bioinformatic
BIOLOGY 722 C01 - Intro Bioinformatic Methods
BIOLOGY 723 C01 - Topics In Molecular Genetics
BIOLOGY 724 C01 - Molecular Ecology
BIOLOGY 726 C01 - Integrative Physiology
BIOLOGY 727 C01 - Cellular&Molecular Physiology
BIOLOGY 728 C01 - Environmental Physiology
BIOLOGY 730 C01 - Aquatic Ecosystem Resources
BIOLOGY 775 C01 - Molecul Microbiolial Genomics
BIOLOGY 780 C01 - Adv Microscopy And Imaging
BIOLOGY 799 C01 - Genetic Basis Of Comn Disease
BIOMED 6F04 C01 - Biomed. Instrumentatn & Msrmnt
BIOMED 6QZ3 C01 - Modeling Of Biological System
BIOMED 701 C01 - Biomedical Engineering
BIOMED 702 C01 - Medical Image Systems 2
BIOMED 706 C01 - Biomedical Engineering 2
BIOMED 707 C01 - Adv Topics In Biophotonics
BIOMED 709 C01 - Stat. Health Research
BIOMED 717 C01 - Tops Orthopaedic Biomechanics
BIOMED 799 C01 - Indep Study Biomedical Engin
BIOMEDDC 701 C01 - Biomed Consulting Team Project
BIOMEDIN 704 C01 - New Value Creation
BIOMEDIN 705 C01 - Market Assessment To Value
BIOMEDIN 706 C01 - Intellectual Property
BIOMEDIN 707 C01 - Prototyping & Tech Readiness
BIOMEDIN 709 C01 - Business Model Development
BUSADMIN A610 C01 - Financial & Managerial Accoun.
BUSADMIN A610 C02 - Financial & Managerial Accoun.
BUSADMIN A610 C03 - Financial & Managerial Accoun.
BUSADMIN A701 C01 - Interm.Finc.Acct1
BUSADMIN A717 C01 - Sem In Actg Theory
BUSADMIN A723 C01 - Actg Info Systems
BUSADMIN A730 C01 - Taxation
BUSADMIN A745 C01 - Assurance
BUSADMIN B610 C01 - Organizational Behavior
BUSADMIN B610 C02 - Organizational Behavior
BUSADMIN B610 C03 - Organizational Behavior
BUSADMIN B712 C01 - Mngerial Negotiatn
BUSADMIN B715 C01 - Principles Of Leadership
BUSADMIN B716 C01 - Strategic Org. Change
BUSADMIN B733 C01 - Biomedical Entrepreneurship
BUSADMIN B734 C01 - Experiential Entrepreneurship
BUSADMIN BL600 C01 - Leadership Fundamentals
BUSADMIN BL602 C01 - Economics & Business Statistic
BUSADMIN BL605 C01 - Managing Organizations
BUSADMIN BL651 C01 - Management Accounting
BUSADMIN BL652 C01 - Intermediate Finance
BUSADMIN BL713 C01 - Entrepreneurial & Small Busine
BUSADMIN BL715 C01 - Project Management
BUSADMIN BL716 C01 - Understanding Health Systems
BUSADMIN BL723A C01 - Strategic Integration Project
BUSADMIN BL734 C01 - Experiential Entrepreneurship
BUSADMIN C711 C01 - Health Econms & Health Tech
BUSADMIN C720 C01 - Interdisciplinary Health Polic
BUSADMIN C720 C02 - Interdisciplinary Health Polic
BUSADMIN C720 C03 - Interdisciplinary Health Polic
BUSADMIN C725 C01 - Managing Health Communications
BUSADMIN C727 C01 - Pharma/Biotech Business Issue
BUSADMIN C736 C01 - Quality And Safety In Hlthcare
BUSADMIN C741 C01 - Health Care Marketing Managers
BUSADMIN D610 C01 - Essential Business Skills I
BUSADMIN D610 C02 - Essential Business Skills I
BUSADMIN D610 C03 - Essential Business Skills I
BUSADMIN D700 C01 - Case Analyses & Presentation
BUSADMIN F610 C01 - Managerial Economics
BUSADMIN F610 C02 - Managerial Economics
BUSADMIN F610 C03 - Managerial Economics
BUSADMIN F701 C01 - Alt Invstmnt & Portfolio Mngt
BUSADMIN F717 C01 - Fin. Statement Anl
BUSADMIN F718 C01 - Selected Topics In Finance
BUSADMIN F721 C01 - Mergers, Acquisitn
BUSADMIN F724 C01 - Venture Capital&Private Equit
BUSADMIN F733 C01 - Financial Risk Mgmt
BUSADMIN F736 C01 - Ethics&Profess Practice & Fin
BUSADMIN F741 C01 - Introduction To Fintech
BUSADMIN F741 C02 - Introduction To Fintech
BUSADMIN F743 C01 - Big Data In Finance
BUSADMIN K610 C01 - Digital Transformation
BUSADMIN K610 C02 - Digital Transformation
BUSADMIN K723 C01 - Data Mining & Business Intel
BUSADMIN K723 C02 - Data Mining & Business Intel
BUSADMIN K724 C01 - E-Comm Mngt&Strtgs
BUSADMIN K725 C01 - Bus Process Management
BUSADMIN K731 C01 - Project Management
BUSADMIN K731 C02 - Project Management
BUSADMIN K740 C01 - Bus App Data Analytics & Ai
BUSADMIN M724 C01 - Innovation & New Products
BUSADMIN M731 01 - Marketing Research
BUSADMIN M733 C01 - Marketing Analytics
BUSADMIN M734 C01 - Strat.Mkt Analysis
BUSADMIN M752 C01 - Digital Marketing
BUSADMIN O610 C01 - Business Analytics
BUSADMIN O610 C02 - Business Analytics
BUSADMIN O610 C03 - Business Analytics
BUSADMIN O701 C01 - Modeling Prescriptive Analytic
BUSADMIN O712 C01 - Data Analytics With Python
BUSADMIN P615A C01 - Management Consulting
BUSADMIN P700 C01 - Bus.Gov&Global Env
BUSADMIN P700 C02 - Bus.Gov&Global Env
BUSADMIN P700 C03 - Bus.Gov&Global Env
BUSADMIN P720 C01 - Strategic Managemt
BUSADMIN P720 C02 - Strategic Managemt
BUSADMIN P720 C03 - Strategic Managemt
BUSADMIN P722 03 - Legl Aspcts Of Bus
BUSADMIN P722 C01 - Legl Aspcts Of Bus
BUSADMIN P722 C02 - Legl Aspcts Of Bus
BUSADMIN T711 C01 - Statistics For Analytics
BUSADMIN T712 C01 - Strategic Marketing
BUSADMIN T713 C01 - Strategic Information Systems
BUSADMIN T714 C01 - Accounting/Finance Decision
BUSADMIN T715 C01 - Accounting For Decision Making
BUSADMIN V700 C01 - Stratgic Bus. Val
BUSADMIN V704 C01 - Strgic Bus Valutn
BUSINESS A772 C01 - Semnr In Financial Accounting
BUSINESS B790 C02 - Theory Building In Management
BUSINESS C781 C01 - Health Economics And Evaluatio
BUSINESS F770 C01 - Financial Eco & Quant Methods
BUSINESS F772 C01 - Financial Economics 2
BUSINESS Q771 C01 - Stochastic Process
BUSINESS Q780 C01 - Mathematical Modelling In Ms
BUSINESS Q781 C01 - Mgmt Sci Research Issues 2
BUSINESS Q790 C01 - Adv Operations Managmt 1
CAS 701 C01 - Logic & Discrete Mathematics
CAS 702 C01 - Data Structure &Algorithms
CAS 706 1 - Programming Languages
CAS 720 01 - Future Resilient Databases
CAS 723 1 - Human-Robot Interaction
CAS 735 01 - (Micro)Service-Oriented Arch.
CAS 739 01 - Evolutionary Computation
CAS 742 1 - Quantum Computing And Cryptog.
CAS 744 1 - Advd Topics Design Algorithms
CAS 745 1 - Sup Ctrl Discrete-Evnt Systms
CAS 751 01 - Information-Theoretic Methods
CAS 764 CO1 - Advanced Topics In Data Mgmt
CAS 775 C01 - Foundations Unsupervised Learn
CAS 776 1 - Micro Robotics
CAS 778 1 - Foundations Interactive Learn
CAS 779 1 - String Processing Algorithms
CAS 781 01 - Advd Tops: Computing & Sftwr
CBS 715 01 - Intro App. Behavioural Analysi
CBS 718 C01 - Intro To Act
CBS 720 C01 - Intro To Cbt
CBS 721 C01 - Advanced Cog. Behav. Theory
CBS 722A C01 - Cbt Consultation
CBS 722A MULT - Cbt Consultation
CBS 722B C01 - Cbt Consultation
CBS 750 01 - Group Studies
CBS 760 C01 - Intro Motivational Interview
CHEM 6IC3 C01 - Solid State Chemistry
CHEM 6OA3 C01 - Natural Products
CHEM 6OB3 C01 - Polymers & Organic Materials
CHEM 700 C01 - Tools For Chemistry Profession
CHEM 711 C01 - Chemometrics
CHEM 730 C01 - X Ray Theory
CHEMBIO 700A C01 - Topics In Chemical Biology
CHEMENG 6A03 C01 - Energy Systems Engineering
CHEMENG 6B03 C01 - Polymer Reaction Engineering
CHEMENG 6E03 C01 - Digital Comp Process Control
CHEMENG 6K03 C01 - Reactor Design Hetero Systems
CHEMENG 704 C01 - Current Topics In Chem Eng
CHEMENG 706 C01 - Advanced Heat Transfer
CHEMENG 713 C01 - Deep Learning
CHEMENG 720 C01 - Lean Six Sigma For Engineers
CHEMENG 724 C01 - Materials Characterization
CHEMENG 765 C01 - Multivari Statistical Methods
CHEMENG 765 C02 - Multivari Statistical Methods
CHEMENG 781 C01 - Biomedical Engineering 2
CHEMENG 792 C01 - Machine Learning
CHEMENG 792 C02 - Machine Learning
CIVENG 6CA4 C01 - Construction Mgmt & Automation
CIVENG 6G04 C01 - Pavement Materials & Design
CIVENG 6K04 C01 - Structural Analysis
CIVENG 6M03 C01 - Hydrologic Modelling
CIVENG 700A C01 - Independent Research Project
CIVENG 700B C01 - Independent Research Project
CIVENG 704 C03 - Spec Topics: Civil Engineering
CIVENG 715 C01 - Prestressed Concrete Bridges
CIVENG 732 C01 - Conrt Strct-Matrls
CIVENG 745 C01 - Multivariate Statistical Model
CIVENG 747 C01 - Microbiology For Env Eng
CLPPC 700 C01 - Child Life Residency 1
CLPPC 701 C01 - Psychosocial Care Residency 1
CLPPC 702 C01 - Child, Youth And Family Health
CLPPC 703 C01 - Rsrch Mthds Pediatric Care
CLPPC 710 C01 - Child Life Residency 2
CLPPC 714 C01 - Special Topics Pediatric Psych
CLPPC 715 C01 - Cl Clinical Internship 1
CLPPC 721 C01 - Independent Study
CMSTMM 700 C01 - Communication Research Method
CMSTMM 724 C01 - Visions Of Extinction
CMSTMM 726 C01 - Media, Sustainability, Climate
CMSTMM 728 C01 - Critical Hope
CMSTMM 799A C01 - Pro-Seminar
COGSCIL 6D03 C01 - Computers & Linguistic Analys
COGSCIL 6XX3 C01 - Topics In Linguistic Theory
COGSCIL 712 C01 - Rdg Crs: Linguistics
COGSCIL 713 C01 - Reading Course Cognit Science
COGSCIL 725A C01 - Csl Lectures Msc Series
COGSCIL 726A C01 - Csl Phd Lectures Series
COGSCIL 749 C01 - Lab Visual Language
COMMGMT 711 C01 - Organis Public Relations
COMMGMT 722 C01 - Fin Report & Management Accts
COMMGMT 740 C01 - Professional Project (Part 2)
COMMGMT 742 C01 - Digital & Soc. Media Strat&Mgt
COMMGMT 744 C01 - Data Science And Analytics
COMPSCI 6O03 C01 - Linear Optimization
CSE 701 C01 - Modern Scientific Programming
CSE 705 C01 - Deep Learning
CSE 780 C01 - Data Science
CSE 799 C01 - Sp Top: Comp Sci & Eng
CULTRST 710 C01 - Decolonial Pedagogies
CULTRST 730 C01 - Indig Literature North Americ
CULTRST 732 C01 - Foundations In Csct
CULTRST 734 C01 - Appropriation And Canadian Lit
CULTRST 775 C01 - South Asian Lit And Culture
CULTRST 792 C01 - Life Writing & Health
EARTHSC 6W03 C01 - Hydrologic Modelling
EARTHSC 715A C01 - Special Topics
EARTHSC 715A C02 - Special Topics
EARTHSC 715A C03 - Special Topics
EARTHSC 715A C04 - Special Topics
EARTHSC 715A C05 - Special Topics
EARTHSC 718A C01 - Advanced Watershed Hydrology
EARTHSC 720 C01 - Sediment Transport Fluvial Env
EARTHSC 751 C01 - Adv Paleoenviron. Analysis
EARTHSC 753A C01 - Advd Environ Geochemistry
EARTHSC 755 C01 - Bio & Hydrometeorology
ECE 6CL4 C01 - Control Systems Design
ECE 6DK4 C01 - Computer Communication Netwks
ECE 6DM4 C01 - Computer Architecture
ECE 6EK4 C01 - Microelectronics
ECE 6FJ4 C01 - Devices Antennas Wireless Syst
ECE 6PK4 C01 - Power Electronics
ECE 6PM4 C01 - Electrical Power Systems
ECE 6SP4 C01 - High Performance Programming
ECE 6TK4 C01 - Digit Communication Systems
ECE 6TL4 C01 - Digital Signal Processing
ECE 701 C01 - M.Eng. Project
ECE 712 C01 - Matrix Comp Signal Processing
ECE 716 C01 - Switched Reluctance Machines
ECE 718 C01 - Special Topics In Computation
ECE 718 C02 - Special Topics In Computation
ECE 722 C01 - Advanced Computer Architecture
ECE 723 C01 - Information Theory & Coding
ECE 729 C01 - Resource Mgt Perfrm Analysis
ECE 740 C01 - Semicndctr Devicethry Modling
ECE 742 C01 - Sensor Technology
ECE 748 C01 - Spec Tops In Microelectronics
ECE 749 C01 - Special Topics Microelectronic
ECE 754 C01 - Photonic Devices
ECE 769 C01 - Spec Top:Signal Processing
ECE 771 C01 - Algoritms Paramete & Stat Est
ECE 780 C01 - Medical Image Systems 2
ECE 790 C01 - Comm Skills Grad Research
ECE 792 C01 - Advanced Communication Skills
ECON 6G03 C01 - Econometrics 2
ECON 721 C01 - Microeconomic Theory 1
ECON 723 C01 - Macroeconomic Theory 1
ECON 727 C01 - Microecono Thry Public Policy
ECON 728 C01 - Macroecono Thry Public Policy
ECON 751 C01 - Intnl Trade & Develmnt Invest
ECON 761 C01 - Econometrics 1
ECON 765 C01 - Mathematical Methods
ECON 768 C01 - Advanced Econometrics
ECON 784 C01 - Industrial Organization
ECON 788 C01 - Health Economics
ECON 798A C01 - Workshop In Economics 1
ECON 799A C01 - Workshop In Economics 2
EDUCATN 640 C01 - Essential Theory In T&L
EDUCATN 740 C01 - Peer-Evaluated Teaching Exp.
EDUCATN 750 C01 - Princ.&Practices Of Univ. Teac
EDUCATN 751 C01 - Princ. & Prac. Univ. Teach.
EDUCATN 770 C01 - Digital Literacies For T&L
EDUCATN 780 C01 - Self-Directed Teaching Exp.
EHEALTH 724 C01 - Ehealth: Cdn Hlth Care Systm
EHEALTH 736 C01 - Management Issues In Health
EHEALTH 757 01 - Modern Software Tech Ehealth
ENGINEER 701 C01 - Work Term Preparation
ENGLISH 702A C01 - Doctoral Research Seminar
ENGLISH 710 C01 - Decolonial Pedagogies
ENGLISH 730 C01 - Indig Literature North Americ
ENGLISH 734 C01 - Appropriation And Canadian Lit
ENGLISH 775 C01 - Postcolonial Lit. And Theory
ENGLISH 792 C01 - Life Writing & Health
ENGLISH 798 C01 - Language & Metaphor
ENGPHYS 6P03 C01 - Nuclear Power Plant Sys & Op
ENGPHYS 6PP3 C01 - Plasma Physics Applications
ENGPHYS 6QC3 C01 - Introduction Quantum Computing
ENGPHYS 6Z04 C01 - Semicon Mnufg Tech
ENGPHYS 705 C01 - Iii-V Materials & Devices
ENGPHYS 709 C01 - Adv Topics In Biophotonics
ENGPHYS 724 C01 - Materials Characterization
ENGPHYS 733 C01 - Research Project Eng Phys
ENGPHYS 740 C01 - Semicndctr Devicethry Modling
ENGPHYS 782 C01 - Solid St Electron
ENGPHYS 784 C01 - Nuclear Fuel Management
FINANCE 600 C01 - Financial Report & Modelling
FINANCE 600 C02 - Financial Report & Modelling
FINANCE 601 C01 - Introduction To Finance
FINANCE 601 C02 - Introduction To Finance
FINANCE 602 C01 - Economics Financial Decisions
FINANCE 602 C02 - Economics Financial Decisions
FINANCE 604 C01 - Statistics For Financial App
FINANCE 604 C02 - Statistics For Financial App
FINANCE 605 C01 - Financial Instruments & Market
FINANCE 605 C02 - Financial Instruments & Market
FINANCE 610A C01 - Career Development Tools
FINANCE 610A C02 - Career Development Tools
FINANCE 705 C01 - Financial Econometrics II
FINANCE 706 C01 - Computational Finance
FINANCE 708 C01 - Fixed-Income Securities
FRENCH 6CC3 C01 - Theorticl Refl Interdiscplnrty
FRENCH 705 C01 - Intro To Lit. & Crit. Theory
FRENCH 711 C01 - Voltaire Et Son Siecle
FRENCH 730 C01 - Lectures Dirigees
GENDRST 701 C01 - Doing Anti-Oppressive Research
GENDRST 722 C01 - Stories, Bodies, Archives
GENDRST 728 C01 - Critical Hope
GENDRST 773 C01 - Feminist Philosophy
GEOG 6HC3 C01 - Geog Public And Comm Health
GEOG 6HH3 C01 - Environment & Health
GEOG 712 C01 - Reproducible Research Workflow
GEOG 714 C01 - Applied Data Analysis
GEOG 715A C01 - Special Topics
GEOG 715A C02 - Special Topics
GEOG 715A C03 - Special Topics
GEOG 715A C04 - Special Topics
GEOG 721 C01 - Narratives Of Science
GKROMST 702 C01 - Latin Reading List
GKROMST 721 C01 - Greek Epic Poetry
GKROMST 761 C01 - Latin Love Elegy & Lyric Poetr
GKROMST 766 C01 - Soc & Cultural Life-Antiquity
GLOBALST 701 C01 - Topics Globalization Studies I
GLOBALST 704 C01 - Global Social Governance
GLOBALST 705 C01 - Global Public Policy
GLOBALST 708A C01 - Major Research Paper
GLOBALST 709 C01 - Designing Global Research
GLOBALST 710 C01 - Globalization: An Introdction
GLOBALST 710 C02 - Globalization: An Introdction
GLOBALST 710 C03 - Globalization: An Introdction
GLOBALST 758 C01 - Cosmopolitanism & Its Critics
GLOBALST 786 C01 - Global Futrs: Thry/Prac/Poss
GLOBHTH 701 C01 - Global Health Foundations 1
GLOBHTH 710A C01 - Lrning Sympsium/Field Orient
GLOBHTH 711A C01 - Scholarly Paper
GLOBHTH 711B C01 - Scholarly Paper
GLOBHTH 712A C01 - Global Health Practicum
GLOBHTH 712B C01 - Global Health Practicum
GLOBHTH 713 C01 - Research Methods: Glob Hlth
GLOBHTH 715 01 - Independent Study I
GLOBHTH 715 02 - Independent Study I
GLOBHTH 715 03 - Independent Study I
GLOBHTH 715 04 - Independent Study I
HISTORY 725 C01 - Canadian Environmental History
HISTORY 728 C01 - American Foreign Relations
HISTORY 741 C01 - Historiography
HISTORY 770 C01 - Sex, Health, Gender Colonial
HISTORY 798A C01 - Phd Spec Reading Course
HLTHAGE 701 C01 - Soc Sci Disc. & Theory Health
HLTHAGE 706 C01 - Independent Study
HLTHAGE 714 C01 - Qual & Hist Methods
HLTHAGE 715 C01 - Crit Perspectives Health & Soc
HLTHAGE 719 C01 - Health Equity: Id Perspective
HLTHMGT 700 C01 - Health Systems & Policy
HLTHMGT 700 C02 - Health Systems & Policy
HLTHMGT 700 C03 - Health Systems & Policy
HLTHMGT 700 C04 - Health Systems & Policy
HLTHMGT 707 C01 - Acct & Financial Foundations
HLTHMGT 707 C02 - Acct & Financial Foundations
HLTHMGT 707 C03 - Acct & Financial Foundations
HLTHMGT 707 C04 - Acct & Financial Foundations
HLTHMGT 730A C01 - Scholarly Paper
HLTHMGT 731 C01 - Economic Eval In Healthcare
HLTHMGT 733 C01 - Knwl Trans In Hc Prac & Man
HLTHMGT 733 C02 - Knwl Trans In Hc Prac & Man
HLTHMGT 733 C03 - Knwl Trans In Hc Prac & Man
HLTHPOL 711 C01 - Doctor Seminar In Hlth Policy
HLTHPOL 738 C01 - Health Policy Analysis
HLTHPOL 798 C01 - Independent Study Hlth Pol
HLTHPOL 799 C01 - Independent Study Hlth Pol
HSEDUC 700 C01 - Hlth Sci Education Residen 1
HSEDUC 701 C01 - Learning & Curriculum In Hse
HSEDUC 705 1 - Educ Tech In Higher Ed.
HSEDUC 705 C01 - Educ Tech In Higher Ed.
HSEDUC 707 C01 - Hlth Sci Education Residency2
HSEDUC 709 1 - Thesis
HSEDUC 777 001 - Special Topics Health Professs
HTHRSM 702 C01 - Intro To Biostatistics
HTHRSM 705 C01 - Indep. Stdy Clincl Epidem Hrm
HTHRSM 711 C01 - Health Economics & Evaluation
HTHRSM 721 C01 - Fund Hlth Resrch &Eval Mthods
HTHRSM 722 C01 - Tops: Populatn Hlth Mthod Hrm
HTHRSM 724 C01 - Ehealth: Cdn Hlth Care Systm
HTHRSM 728 C01 - Genetic Epidemiology & Stats
HTHRSM 730 C01 - Intro Randomized Ctrl Trials
HTHRSM 738 C01 - Health Policy Analysis
HTHRSM 739 C01 - Biostatistical Collaboration
HTHRSM 741 C01 - Intro Health Tech Assessment
HTHRSM 747 C01 - Advcd Mthds Evidence Synthesis
HTHRSM 751 C01 - Observtnal & Analytcl Mthds
HTHRSM 755 C01 - Applied Qualitative Methods
HTHRSM 759 C01 - Survival Analysis Hlth Resrch
HTHRSM 760 C01 - Applied Epidemiological Method
HTHRSM 771 C01 - Hrm Evaluation Methods Online
HTHRSM 773 C01 - System Review Methods Online
HTHRSM 788 C01 - Health Economics
INDIGST 702 C01 - Indigenous St. Research Method
KINESIOL 701 C01 - Statistical Methods In Kin
KINESIOL 702 C01 - Topics Individual Rsrch Study
KINESIOL 702 C02 - Topics Individual Rsrch Study
KINESIOL 702 C03 - Topics Individual Rsrch Study
KINESIOL 702 C04 - Topics Individual Rsrch Study
KINESIOL 713 C01 - Directed Reading-Kinesiology
KINESIOL 713 C02 - Directed Reading-Kinesiology
KINESIOL 713 C03 - Directed Reading-Kinesiology
KINESIOL 715 C01 - Found. Health/Exercise Psych
KINESIOL 722 C01 - Biomechani & Electromyography
KINESIOL 723 C01 - Directed Reading - Masters
KINESIOL 723 C02 - Directed Reading - Masters
KINESIOL 730 C01 - Experiential Learning In Kin.
KINESIOL 736 C01 - Sensorimotor Neuroscience
LABRST 740 C01 - Sel Tops: Labour Studies
LABRST 750 C01 - Independent Study
LABRST 770 C01 - Labour Movements & Social
LABRST 780 C01 - Bodies At Work: P,S,L & O H
MANUFACT 701 C01 - Project, Part II
MATH 6A03 C01 - Real Analysis 11
MATH 6L03 C01 - Intro To Mathematical Logic
MATH 6MB3 C01 - Mathematical Biology
MATH 6TT3 C01 - Topics In Topology
MATH 6X03 C01 - Complex Analysis 2
MATH 701 C01 - Algebra 1
MATH 721 C01 - Analysis 1
MATH 741 C01 - Methods In Applied Math 1
MATH 746 C01 - Bifurcation & Stabilty Theory
MATH 761 C01 - Geometric Topology
MATH 790A C01 - Major Research Project
MATH 798 C01 - Directed Reading
MATH 798 C02 - Directed Reading
MATH 798 C03 - Directed Reading
MATH 799 C01 - Directed Reading
MATH 799 C02 - Directed Reading
MATLS 6D03 C01 - Corrosion
MATLS 6MS4 C01 - Mater Selection Design & Manu
MATLS 6T03 C01 - Property & Process Composites
MATLS 701 C01 - Grad Seminar (Master's)
MATLS 702 C01 - Graduate Seminar (Phd)
MATLS 721 C01 - Adv. Thermodynamics & Phase
MATLS 724 C01 - Materials Characterization
MATLS 726 C01 - Adv Topics In Electrochemistry
MATLS 734 C01 - X Ray Theory
MATLS 760 C01 - Electronic Materials
MATLS 782 C01 - Solid State Electronics
MECHENG 6BB3 C01 - Biomechanics
MECHENG 6BC3 C01 - Building Science
MECHENG 6K03 C01 - Robotics
MECHENG 6Q03 C01 - Mechanical Vibrations
MECHENG 6U03 C01 - Compressible Flow/Turbomchnry
MECHENG 706 C01 - Advanced Heat Transfer
MECHENG 708 C01 - Two-Phase Flow &Heat Transfer
MECHENG 714 C01 - Solidification Processing
MECHENG 723 C01 - Flow Induced Vibrations
MECHENG 726 C01 - Materials Characterization
MECHENG 729 C01 - Manufacturing Systems
MECHENG 729 C02 - Manufacturing Systems
MECHENG 734 C01 - Theory Of Plasticity
MECHENG 735 C01 - Additive Manufacturing
MECHENG 736 C01 - Special Topics In Mechanics
MECHENG 739 C01 - Special Topics In Production
MECHENG 740 C01 - Deep Learning
MECHENG 753 C01 - Advanced Fluid Mechanics
MECHENG 754 C01 - Electric Vehicle Batteries
MECHENG 755 C01 - Adv Cntl On Intl Cmbn Engines
MECHENG 756 C01 - Computational Fluid Dynamics
MECHENG 758 C01 - Grad Seminar Mechanical Eng
MECHENG 759 C01 - Rapid Prototyping
MECHENG 759 C02 - Rapid Prototyping
MECHENG 760 C01 - Electric Drive Vehicles
MECHENG 767 C01 - Multivari Statistical Methods
MECHENG 777 C01 - Cognitive Systems Theory
MECHENG 785 C01 - Machine Learning
MECHENG 785 C02 - Machine Learning
MECHENG 786 C01 - Artificial Intel. & Machine
MECHENG 786 C02 - Artificial Intel. & Machine
MECHENG 787 C01 - Machine Learning Class. Models
MECHENG 787 C02 - Machine Learning Class. Models
MECHTRON 6AX3 C01 - Intelligent Predictive Control
MEDPHYS 6B03 C02 - Radioactivity & Rad Interact
MEDPHYS 702 C01 - Medical Image Systems 2
MEDPHYS 772 CO1 - Hlth Phys Of Non-Ionizing Rad
MEDPHYS 775 C01 - Advanced Radiation Physics
MEDPHYS 776 C01 - Intro Operational Hlth Physic
MEDPHYS 778 C01 - Radiation Oncology Physics I
MEDPHYS 781 C01 - Adv Clin Prac In Med Rad Sci
MEDPHYS 788 C01 - Radiation Oncology Physics II
MEDSCI 707 C01 - Stat. Health Science Research
MEDSCI 712 01 - Reproductive Endocrinology
MEDSCI 713 C01 - Gastrointestinal Hlth&Disease
MEDSCI 714 C01 - Industrial &Enviro Toxicology
MEDSCI 715 C01 - Advanced Immunobiology 1
MEDSCI 716 C01 - Advanced Immunobiology 2
MEDSCI 720 C01 - Tobacco And Health
MEDSCI 725 C01 - Curr Tops: Mucosal Immunology
MEDSCI 733 C01 - Vascular Diseases Haemostas 2
MEDSCI 740 C01 - Drug-Receptor Interactions
MEDSCI 742 C01 - Topics Respiratory Physiology
MEDSCI 765 C01 - Brain Imaging: Theory & Appli
MEDSCI 766 C01 - Causes & Consequences Obesity
MEDSCI 767 C01 - Physiology Of Cells Of Cajal
MEDSCI 768 C01 - Clinical Tops: Renal Diseases
MEDSCI 770 C01 - Advd Intro Immunology
MEDSCI 771 C01 - Rsrch Mth In Basic Health Sci
MEDSCI 799 C01 - Independent Study Med Science
MEDSCI 799 C02 - Independent Study Med Science
MEDSCI 799 C03 - Independent Study Med Science
MEDSCI 799 C04 - Independent Study Med Science
MEDSCI 799 C05 - Independent Study Med Science
MFM 701 C01 - Foundations Of Financial Math
MFM 702 C01 - Risk And Financial Markets
MFM 703 C01 - Computational Finance I
MFM 704 C01 - Statistics Of Financial Data
MIDWIF 701 1 - Leadership In Midwifery
MIDWIF 702 1 - Social Justice Systems Change
MIDWIF 703 01 - Foundations Of Research
MIDWIF 705 C01 - Independent Study 1
MIDWIF 709 C01 - Independent Study 2
MIDWIF 714 C01 - Well-Infant Primary Care
MIDWIF 715 C01 - Adv Midwif Reproductive Health
MIDWIF 719 C01 - Trauma, Violence-Informed Care
MIDWIF 723 C01 - Topics Perinatal Mental Health
MOLBIOL 6BB3 C01 - Plant Metabolism &Mol Biology
MOLBIOL 6DD3 C01 - Molecular Evolution
NEUROSCI 700A C01 - The Nervous System (Core)
NEUROSCI 720 C01 - Lab Rotation In Neuroscience
NEUROSCI 721 C01 - Lab Rotation In Neuroscience
NEUROSCI 722 C01 - Independnt Study Neuroscience
NEUROSCI 724 C01 - Statistical Methods Neurosci
NURSING 700 C01 - Phil Basis-Nursing Research
NURSING 701 C01 - Theor Basis Of Clinical Prac
NURSING 703 C01 - Independent In Study Nursing
NURSING 707 C01 - Foundations Of Nursing Leaders
NURSING 709 C01 - Stat. Health Science Research
NURSING 711 1 - Adv Practicum In Nursing
NURSING 712 C01 - Evidnce-Based Health Care
NURSING 715 C01 - Quantitative Research Methods
NURSING 726 C01 - Foundations Of Integrated Care
NURSING 758 C01 - Qual Research Methods
NURSING 761A C01 - Pathophysiology For Nurse Pr
NURSING 761B C01 - Pathophysiology For Nurse Pr
NURSING 762 C01 - Advd Hlth Assess & Diagnosis1
NURSING 764 C01 - Therape In Primary Hlth Care1
NURSING 766A C01 - Roles And Responsibilities
NURSING 766B C01 - Roles And Responsibilities
NURSING 767 C01 - Integrative Practicum P Hlth
NURSING 770 C01 - Mxd Mthd Resch Dsgn Hs&P
OCCUPTH 744 C01 - Evidence-Based Practice 1
OCCUPTH 761 C01 - Foundation Knowledge I
OCCUPTH 771 C01 - Occupation, Health, Well-Being
OCCUPTH 774 C01 - Child,Youth&Adults-Inquiry
OCCUPTH 781 C01 - Wellness Hlth& Occ- Skills
OCCUPTH 784 C01 - Child,Youth&Adults-Skills
OCCUPTH 791 C01 - Ot Practicum 1
OCCUPTH 796 C01 - Ot Practicum 4
OCCUPTH 799 C01 - Occup. Therapy Remediation
PHILOS 6A03 C01 - Early Modern Phil
PHILOS 720 C01 - Reading Course
PHILOS 721 C01 - Reading Course
PHILOS 743A C01 - Graduate Seminar I
PHILOS 755 C01 - 19Th Cent European Philos
PHILOS 768 C01 - Philosophy Of Race
PHILOS 769 C01 - Philosophy Of Law
PHILOS 773 C01 - Feminist Philosophy
PHYSICS 6B03 C01 - Electromagnetic Theory
PHYSICS 6G03 C01 - Computational Physics
PHYSICS 6S03 C01 - Intro To Molecular Biophysics
PHYSICS 710 C01 - Special Topics In Physics
PHYSICS 715 C01 - Math Intro To Fluid Mech
PHYSICS 729 C01 - Condensed Mat I
PHYSICS 734 C01 - Sp Top: C Matt Phy
PHYSICS 739 C01 - Adv Quantum Mech 1
PHYSICS 745 C01 - Sp. Top. In Theoretical Physic
PHYSICS 746 C01 - Adv Class Electrod
PHYSICS 761 C01 - Intro Astrophysics 1
PHYSICS 762 C01 - Intro Astrophysics II
PHYSICS 781 C01 - Galactic Dynamics
PHYSICS 782 C01 - Galactic Astronomy
PHYSICS 785 C01 - Interstellar Medium
PHYSICS 788 C01 - Sp Tops: Astrophysics
PHYSIOTH 741 C01 - Critical Thinking - Pbt I
PHYSIOTH 743 C01 - Critical Thinking - Pbt III
PHYSIOTH 751 C01 - Clinical Reasoning - Cl I
PHYSIOTH 753 C01 - Clinical Reasoning - Cl III
PHYSIOTH 761 C01 - Society, Health, Innovation I
PHYSIOTH 763 C01 - Society, Health Innovation III
PHYSIOTH 771 C01 - Research Evidence-Based I
PHYSIOTH 773 C01 - Research Evidence-Based III
PHYSIOTH 782 01 - Clinical Practice (Cp) II
PHYSIOTH 783 C01 - Clinical Practice (Cp) III
PHYSIOTH 784 C01 - Clinical Practice (Cp) IV
PHYSIOTH 797 C01 - Physiotherapy Remediation
PHYSIOTH 798 C01 - Physiotherapy Remediation
PHYSIOTH 799 C01 - Physiotherapy Remediation
POLSCI 701 C01 - Thry & Practice Policy Analys
POLSCI 705 C01 - Global Public Policy
POLSCI 708A C01 - Major Reserach Paper
POLSCI 735 C01 - Comparative Political Behaviou
POLSCI 758 C01 - Cosmopolitanism & Its Critics
POLSCI 760 C01 - Pol Institut-Cdn
POLSCI 767 C01 - Politics Of The Global South
POLSCI 772 C01 - Theories-Intnl Pol
POLSCI 775A C01 - M.A. Colloquium
POLSCI 783 C01 - Comp Publ Pol
POLSCI 796 C01 - Resch Desgn/Methds
PSYCH 710 C01 - Statistical & Research Design
PSYCH 710 CO1 - Statistical & Research Design
PSYCH 711 C01 - Adv Stats &Comp Methods I
PSYCH 711 CO1 - Adv Stats &Comp Methods I
PSYCH 712 C01 - Adv St&Comp Mth II
PSYCH 712 CO1 - Adv St&Comp Mth II
PSYCH 713 C01 - Sp Top: Psych I
PSYCH 713 CO1 - Sp Top: Psych I
PSYCH 714 C01 - Sp Top: Psych II
PSYCH 714 CO1 - Sp Top: Psych II
PSYCH 715 01 - Sp Top: Psych III
PSYCH 715 C01 - Sp Top: Psych III
PSYCH 716 01 - Sp Top: Psych IV
PSYCH 716 C01 - Sp Top: Psych IV
PSYCH 720A C01 - Contemp Problems Psychology
PSYCH 723 C01 - Cognitive Psychol
PSYCH 730 C01 - Quantitative Mthds
PSYCH 741 C01 - Adv Top: Psych I
PSYCH 742 C01 - Adv Top: Psych II
PSYCH 752 C01 - Psychological Assessment
PSYCH 754 C01 - Research Design Test Construct
PSYCH 755 C01 - Advanced Psychopathology
PSYCH 761A C01 - Clinical Internship
PSYCH 761B C01 - Clinical Internship
PSYCH 761C C01 - Clinical Internship
PSYCHOTH 701 C01 - Introduction To Mental Health
PSYCHOTH 702 C01 - Evidence-Based Psychotherapy
PSYCHOTH 703 C01 - Assessment And Case Formulatio
PSYCHOTH 706A C01 - Applied Psychotherapy Skills
PSYCHOTH 706B 01 - Applied Psychotherapy Skills
PSYCHOTH 707 01 - Intro Psychotherapy Research
PSYCHOTH 721 C01 - Interpersonal Therapy (Ipt)
PUBHLTH 700 C01 - Foundations Pop. & Pub. Health
PUBHLTH 701 C01 - Pop. & Pub. Hlth Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 710 C01 - Knowledge Synthesis Guidelines
PUBHLTH 712 C01 - Professional Development I
PUBHLTH 714 C01 - Communicable Disease Prevent.
PUBHLTH 717 C01 - Foundations Community Health
PUBHLTH 720 C01 - Planning And Eval Pop Health
PUBHLTH 721 C01 - Enviro Health & Glob. Climate
PUBPOL 711 C01 - Law And Public Policy
REHAB 703 C01 - Sel Top: Rehab Science
REHAB 704 C01 - Indepnt Stud Rehab Science
REHAB 705 C01 - Evaln Sources Of Evidence
REHAB 707 C01 - Quantitativ Methods In Rehab S
REHAB 710 C01 - Facilitating Learning Rehab
REHAB 714 C01 - Stat Method For Rehab Science
REHAB 715A C01 - Advd Ortho Physiotherapy Spec
REHAB 716 C01 - Chronic Disease Management
REHAB 722 C01 - Internation Disability & Hlth
REHAB 730A C01 - Scholarly Paper
REHAB 735A C01 - Rehab Research Project
REHAB 770 C01 - Ldrship In Rehabilitation
REHAB 772 C01 - Intro To Qualitative Research
REHAB 775 C01 - Technological Innovation
RELIGST 6Y06A C01 - Intro Lit Chinese
RELIGST 6Z06A C01 - Intro To Reading Japanese
RELIGST 701 C01 - Issues: St Of Reli
RELIGST 705 C01 - Sp Rdgs: Asian Rel
RELIGST 714 C01 - Tops: Indian Buddhist Texts
RELIGST 715 C01 - Rdgs: Indian Buddhist Texts
RELIGST 734 C01 - Sp Rdgs: Bibl Traditions
RELIGST 769 C01 - Sp Rdgs: West Reli
RELIGST 775 C01 - Top: Pol Theol}
SEP 6AS3 C01 - Adv. Sys. Components & Integra
SEP 6AT3 C01 - Conceptual Design Elec. Vehic.
SEP 6BI3 C01 - Bioinformatics
SEP 6BS3 C01 - Ethics And Biotech Regulations
SEP 6DA3 C01 - Data Analytics And Big Data
SEP 6DA3 C02 - Data Analytics And Big Data
SEP 6DV3 C01 - Vehicle Dynamics
SEP 6PD3 C01 - Power System Analysis Control
SEP 6PM3 C01 - Project Management
SEP 6PM3 C02 - Project Management
SEP 6SS3 C01 - System Specification & Design
SEP 6TB3 C01 - Advanced Biotechnology
SEP 6TC3 C01 - Technical Communications
SEP 701 C01 - Thry & Practice Policy Analys
SEP 704 C01 - Public Policy Research Proj. 2
SEP 705 C01 - Green Eng'g Sustain & Pub Pol
SEP 707 C01 - Fundamentals Design Virt. Care
SEP 709 C01 - Emrging Issues Tech &Pub Plcy
SEP 718 C01 - Industrial Automation
SEP 722 C01 - Electric Drive Vehicles
SEP 724 C01 - Intelligent Transportation Sys
SEP 725 C01 - Prac Projct Mangmt Bus Enviro
SEP 726 C01 - Discrete Manufacturing I
SEP 728 C01 - Intenet Of Things
SEP 729 C01 - Manufacturing Systems
SEP 731 C01 - Lean Six Sigma For Engineers
SEP 735 C01 - Additive Manufacturing
SEP 740 C01 - Deep Learning
SEP 744 C01 - Biomanufacturing
SEP 749 C01 - Biomedical Engineering
SEP 751 C01 - Process Design & Control
SEP 757 C01 - Rapid Prototyping
SEP 758 C01 - Software Design Tools Methods
SEP 760 C01 - Design Thinking
SEP 760 C02 - Design Thinking
SEP 762 C01 - Intro To Railway Engineering
SEP 764 C01 - Novel Therapeutics Drug Deliv.
SEP 765 C01 - Downstream Operations
SEP 767 C01 - Multivari Statistical Methods
SEP 769 C01 - Cyber Physical Systems
SEP 770 C01 - Total Sustainable Management
SEP 771 C01 - Wgb Practioner's Forum Part I
SEP 771 C02 - Wgb Practioner's Forum Part II
SEP 773 C01 - Leadership For Innovation
SEP 773 C02 - Leadership For Innovation
SEP 773 C03 - Leadership For Innovation
SEP 780 C01 - Advanced Robotics & Automation
SEP 785 C01 - Machine Learning
SEP 785 C02 - Machine Learning
SEP 790 C01 - Emerging Technologies
SEP 798 C01 - Electric Vehicle Batteries
SEP 799 C02 - M.Eng. Proj. Systems & Tech 2
SFWRENG 6HC3 C01 - Human Computer Interface
SGS 101 C01 - Acad Resrch Integrty & Ethics
SGS 201 C01 - Aoda Training
SGS 202 C01 - It Takes All Of Us
SGS 301 C01 - English As A Second Language
SGS 302 C01 - Visiting Students/Research
SGS 711 C01 - Continuous Enrolment
SLP 712 C01 - Clinical Skills Lab I
SLP 713 C01 - Foundational Knowledge I
SLP 741 C01 - Problem-Based Tutorial IV
SLP 742 C01 - Clinical Skills Lab IV
SLP 743A C01 - Evid.-Based Prac. & Clin. Rsrc
SLP 798 C01 - Remediation - Academic
SOCIOL 700 C01 - Sel Top: Sociol I
SOCIOL 704 C01 - Deviance & Social Problems
SOCIOL 718 C01 - Sociology Of Occupations
SOCIOL 724A C01 - Doc Research Prof Dev I
SOCIOL 725A C01 - Doc Research Prof Dev II
SOCIOL 741 C01 - Introduction To Social Stats
SOCIOL 743 C01 - Historical Methods
SOCWORK 700 C01 - Epistemology & Soc Work Prac.
SOCWORK 705 C01 - Directed Readings
SOCWORK 705 C02 - Directed Readings
SOCWORK 721 C01 - Changing Communities
SOCWORK 739A C01 - Crit. Approach. Sw Knowledge
SOCWORK 744A C01 - Research Experience Seminar
SOCWORK 770 C01 - Soc Work & Soc Justice Theory
SOCWORK 773A C01 - Doctoral Research Seminar
STATS 6CI3 C01 - Computational Methods For Inf
STATS 6M03 C01 - Multivariate Anal
STATS 710 C01 - Statistical Inference
STATS 720 C01 - Statistical Modelling
STATS 770 C01 - Statistics Seminar (Fall)
STATS 771A C01 - Statistical Research Project
STATS 780 C01 - Data Science
STATS 794 C01 - Directed Reading
UN 501 C01 - Fuel Management
UN 800A C01 - Ind Research Project Mac Univ
UN 802 C01 - Nuclear Reactor Physics
UN 802 C02 - Nuclear Reactor Physics
UN 804 C01 - Nuc Rectr Heat Trans Sys Des
WOBORDER 701A C01 - Field Course
WOBORDER 702A C01 - International Policy Devlopmt